You’re an expert in your field with a prominent platform but no time to write. You have a fantastic, newsworthy story the world wants to hear, but writing is not your strength. You have years' worth of research and a proven, eager audience, but you can’t seem to prioritize your ideas. Don’t worry, I got you. To start, I’ll comb through your videos, blog posts, articles and social feeds to familiarize myself with you and your subject. Then we’ll embark on an extensive series of interviews. I’ll organize your thoughts, create a compelling narrative arc, and transform your ideas and stories into clear, punchy prose. Though I do make exceptions, in general I collaborate with authors who have agent representation or are already signed with a publisher. If that’s not you, my author questionnaire should help us figure out if we’d be good partners. Agents and publishers, please contact my agent, Stéphanie Abou, at Massie & McQuilkin Literary agents, here.
You’ve finished a proposal or manuscript and you’d like someone with an objective editorial eye to give it a thorough review. I can ensure that your ideas and stories are conveyed in the most effective, accessible, and even entertaining way possible. I look closely at what’s there, but I look equally closely at what’s not. I might suggest better word choices, note opportunities to expand upon a theme, or indicate areas that could benefit from more supportive data or an anecdote. Together, we’ll make sure that your project meets any agent's or publisher’s highest standards.
You could choose one of the following options:
High-Level Critique A general evaluation, in the form of an editorial letter, addressing your work’s strengths and weaknesses.
Line Edit A detailed review that addresses structure, tone, and word choice, and includes clarifying meaning, eliminating jargon, and polishing prose.
Developmental Edit Combines a high-level manuscript critique with a substantive line edit. May include some light rewrites.
Let’s make sure your work is as good as it can be! Start by answering a few questions here.
Book Doctoring
You’re a publisher or an agent with a complete or partial manuscript that needs extensive repositioning and rewrites. Please contact my agent here.